Need A Court-Try Google Maps

Google Maps now offers the ultimate search function for hard core volleyball players You can actually locate courts in your area buy using google maps to make the search. Here’s an example.  


What Fashionable Players Will Be Wearing This Fall

On , in new technology, volleyball uniforms, by admin

Savvy passers will take to the court this season wearing “Volleze”, special “sleeves” designed to take some of the sting out of digging or passing a spiked shot. Volleze are designed to give the forearms a little extra protection, and are particularly useful in drills where the player works on the same move over and […]


After Hours Volleyball Leads To Advances In Court Lighting

On , in new technology, outdoor volleyball, by admin

The increase in interest for playing volleyball after dark has led to advancements in lightning fixtures for outdoor courts. New fixtures are designed to give greater control of what areas are lit and to reduce light spillage. The are known as “cutoff” fixtures. Incandescent floodlights are being replaced by metal halide and sodium lamps that […]


Volleyball Courts By The Ton

The Chinese have joined in on the challenge of perfecting the synthetic outdoor volleyball court in a big way. Shangran, a giant Chinese industrial conglomerate has announced that they are able to provide the raw materials for outdoor playing courts in bulk, up to 2000 metric tons per month. Their material can be used to […]


Lots Of Interest In LED Volleyball Court Postings

My Google+ stream is turning up lots of interest in the LED lines on sport courts that i wrote about a couple of weeks ago. Any school or gym being planned or renovated really needs to take a look at this technology.

